Tuesday 16 May 2017

Orange Success – understanding the meaning of success

In the midst of fast paced life people across the globe are moving with one objective in mind, to become successful in life. But the irony is only few hit the jackpot. It’s not that the rest of the people, which form the majority are unsuccessful and or God wasn’t in perfect mindset when they were born. The truth is people who fail to become successful are the one who never gave much thought to understand the real meaning of the word success.
We all know the popular saying which states, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’. Nothing new, but then the sentence has a deeper meaning and impact in our life, especially when we focus and or talk about our health. Likewise, what about an orange? It’s a yummy, refreshing juicy fruit full of vitamin C is all that we know. Well, it is and there’s no doubt about that, yet we don’t put in much thought that a refreshing fruit like an orange can teach us the actual meaning and make us understand what success is all about. Lost, don’t be.
Remember, the word success is very earthly because the definition of the said word differs from one person to another. Not only that the precept of achievement too differs. Majority people tend to produce and desire to achieve their results upon watching those who are successful without knowing the actual meaning of it. Result, they give up easily with negative experience to carry forward and the impact created out of it leaves a scar of fear deep down in their minds forever. What these people missed out is the understanding process of the word success. Remember, your life is in your hand and you are unique. Your wants and desires are not necessarily need to be the same as that of the others and that’s natural. When we copy we don’t look at the things needed to be done to achieve what we desire for, rather we just focus on the final outcome; actually that’s where we put our focus when we imitate. More importantly, we don’t concentrate to understand the meaning of the things we are running after.
It’s time to look deep inside the word success and understand it. Success always carries its friends along with it and the bondings are too strong. Too strong for mankind to either break or separate them easily from one another. Easily is the word to focus now as the breakthrough isn’t impossible. The bonding friends of success are challenges, pain, failure and criticism. One cannot achieve their define success without overcoming its companions. To take out success alone you really need to eliminate the said acquaintances one after the other and or all together and it’s only then you can truly enjoy the flavour of success. This means now you can declare yourself being successful!
How an orange can be related to success and make us understand its true meaning? When you want to relish an orange, you cannot enjoy the juicy pulp (success) of the fruit until and unless you peel off its skin (companion) which represents challenges, pain, failures and criticisms. Once you do that you are not done yet. Why? Because now you have the fruit covered with thread like substance called fibres. Again, fibres are good for health and these fibres represent the experience, knowledge and wisdom we acquire upon peeling off the skin. These experiences, knowledge and wisdom represent the food of our mind and it’s important in order to sustain success eternally and or as long as we want to. Candidly, we want to keep success as our sole companion till we live with shadow and not otherwise.
Finally, it’s time to enjoy your juicy pulp (success) for all the hard work you went through and you deserve it. Next time you eat an orange remember you are realizing as well as enjoying success. This is what orange success is all about.

Have a great and wonderful day!

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Success or Significance

The word that creates ripples in heart, motivate and give vitality to propel forward in life is success. Very often people go after this with lightning swiftness. If demanded, ‘How many of you want to become successful in life?’  What do you suppose the response will be? A big yes from every corner.
Unfortunately, it's not the best path to edge ahead in life. As you put out with your daily work, you will discover that people are hightailing from morning to twilight in search for success. They need it so gravely that sometimes even when opportunity wave them, they neglect to acknowledge and carry on with their never ending adventure. Never ending because, people have tied their success with financial gain, luxury, occupation, good grade and other materialistic things. These are the things which hold the boundless urge for each soul and never blur regardless of the extent to how much they have or going to have. As a result, they fail to achieve what they really want to. And the day they bid adieu everything come to a dead end, all their self-achievement soon be forgotten and nobody recalls their existence.
To move past through this tussle you need to go ahead with a life of significance, which implies you to make more accomplishment for others than they positively can consider. Working for self will never build the feeling of genuine accomplishment which you may be looking for, yet working for others will. Achievement is not about you, it’s about them. The more you offer esteem and submitted administration to others the more significance you will create for self. This will consequently create your accomplishment proportion to a boundless stature.
Sound strange to you?
If you await around and turn the pages of history you will realize that people who lived the life of significance hold less and yield more. This is what makes them immortal and we always feel proud of them and attempt to take after their strides. People like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Abraham Lincoln and the schedule will continue endlessly are the people who dedicated their lives to the well-being of humanity. As such, they are remembered till date, because they lived a life of significance.
Don't confine yourself with monetary additions, however, stroll past the hindrance and see the rainbow that is holding up for you to grasp and to say, ‘thank you for living a life of significance, you will always be remembered’.
Success is good, significance the best.

Have a brilliant day! Remember, significance is what will make you immortal……….

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Avoid 3 Cs

How often do we deflect something wrong onto others? Quite often. We simply don’t retain an account when we point our fingers at others. In spite of knowing that we are three times more wrong than the person we are pointing at. Worse, we don’t even leave God by pointing our thumb at him. Try yourself now and see the consequence. The question is not whether it’s good or bad, but is it really important and necessary to do that? We all know the answer which is and will forever remain a big no. However, we get along. Why? Self-defense is the answer and we simply don’t think much about it when we actually execute the act. This in fact is, our spontaneous reaction to any given action where the incrimination is focused on us. That’s natural for every human, but now we need to change the way is has been acquitted.

To start with we must never do three Cs ever in our life and they are condemn, complain and criticize. These are the things that hold us back and cause us to lose our true worth as a human. If these are what we get back in return how would we feel? Think and think deeply with a vow not to repeat the same ever.

Why to condemn when we can appreciate and create a pleasant atmosphere for us to live in concord. We all know that every human is born with some limitations, that’s a given and we are no exception. But that’s not where we should apply our focus, instead we must look at the positive aspects of every individual and acknowledge them. How do we feel when someone appreciates us? The moment we receive appreciation our self-esteem and confidence level touch the summit. That’s what exactly happen with others as well. To bring out the dirt is easy, but to cleanse it off is difficult. When people start slinging verbal dirt at one another it get settled down deep inside the heart and either it, take the time to wipe off or never happens. And from this dirt arise conflict and dislike which are not at all good for us to be in. Hence, focus on the sun and not the finger pointing at it. The world today is starving – starving for appreciation
We always take the advantage of slightest opportunity in complaining people. It seems as if every wrong happens for others and every good for self. Complaining is no more a way to express our dissatisfaction, but a medium to let the other person down. There might be a point of disagreement and that’s natural, but that should never take the form of complaining. This is a disease that ruins humanity and constantly brings out ill fate. We cannot achieve anything great in life just by complaining someone or something because of the results which might not be in our favour. After all, nobody is liable to us, saving us. Next time we complain, we need to think of the cause and the solution it has and do accordingly. Looking out for good in every direction, action and people will invariable bring out the best, the one we always are in search for. Instead of complaining we should try our best to bring out the solution it carries. Encouraging people on every little achievement will bring out the positive quality and increase the overall productivity. Therefore, we must never complain, but stick to the solutions.

Criticism for many is a mode of entertainment and people feel satisfied by criticizing others. But in reality what they did is they have simply proved their character. I strongly believe that a needle must never laugh by taking in the number of holes in fishnet, because the needle itself have one. Similarly, when you enjoy finding faults in others make sure you have counted yours. Criticism by far is a way to disrupt the progressive character of an individual and hence it’s not an encouraging act to perform. We cannot achieve success just by doing what is not the right thing to do, i.e. criticizing others. Stop before it destroys relationship, trust, goodwill and faith.

To overcome these unwanted acts which bear no positivity in return need to be riveted towards the positive three Cs that will boost the confidence we want to bring about. They are compliment, compassion and cooperation. The best tool to motivate and teach people is a sincere compliment. The point to be noted here is that we all appreciate recognition and today, it’s our turn to do that onto others. So, focus on helping people to be, do and have more than they can possibly conceive of. Once we do that without putting in any questions or conditions, we are sure to acquire what we desire from life.  

Have a wonderful and excited day! You know what is expected from you and what you need to do…… 

Sunday 10 August 2014

Effective Leadership

We are always in the quest for effective leadership. Leadership that will not alone guide us, but bring out the best we possess within ourselves. To find a leader is not a big challenge, but to get an effective and efficient one is really a tedious job. Tedious because people are more focused on bringing out the best in others only to satisfy their wants and desires. As I have mentioned in one of my blog title ‘Leadership and you’, that leadership is not about ruling people but winning hearts. Yes, making people get what they want and guiding them in doing that is the utmost quality of an effective leadership. An effective leader manages themselves as well as the people they work with so that at the end, both gets the benefit out of each other’s presence.

Remember, people will only follow or love to get associated with those leaders who create them manage things that are intended to lift up their confidence, self-image, trust and above all productivity. Every person has a purpose of doing work and nobody wishes to serve something for others first – that’s the human mentality. Respecting that will eventually make you a much sort out leader within your organization. Does that mean as a leader we have to leave work for others to decide? Absolutely not. As a leader we are responsible to look upon the smooth functioning of any given task. Instead of directing and ordering people to do what we require them to get along, we necessitate to prepare our people see the grandness of the assigned work and then let them know what they will gain upon finishing the given work. The gain always not need to be monetary.

To become an effective leader you need to follow 3 key points that will surely place you at the helm of being a successful leader adored by all. A leader people will remember for the rest of their life.

GOAL SETTING – Determining goals for your team is an essential function and as a leader you need to put that right before the commencement of any given task. But here the most important fact is that the goal must be agreed upon between the leader and his team. Every goal needs to be developed further into small manageable one so that the task gets done without facing any challenges. The goal should be distinguishable and revised frequently so that the team knows what is expected from them. The goals serve the team know what performance is expected and how well to execute them. It creates a sense of responsibility within the team and progress the workload easy and fast. Productivity is all that we expect and following it in an organized way is what an effective leader looks for.

ENCOURAGEMENT – A noted leader informs his team in good order at the outset of any given task how he will let them know about their progress. Encouraging the team frequently on every positive outbreak is another key to effective leadership. Another remarkable point about effective leadership is telling people what they did right instantly and specifically. This should not be meant to please someone, but to be conveyed genuinely. Along with this he will let his team know about his feelings on every result, whether it’s praiseworthy or under performance and how this will affect the development and productivity of the team and the system as well, and at the same time he will also allow his team to feel the way he felt. This will bring out the unity, integrity and genuineness towards the team and will help them to perform their best in the future projects. An effective leader doesn’t just holds back here, but he encourages his team to do more of the kind when opportunity arrives. Lastly, he contributes a touch therapy in form of patting shoulder or a handshake to his team members as a mark of praise and acknowledgement to their respective success. The important point to be noted here is that the touch of encouragement should be honest and genuine without the discomfort of the other person. Else this will produce a negative effect filled with uneasiness and poor performance.

REFLECTION – A person should always be judged by his worth and not his performance. On any given day he might fail to live up to the expectation, but that doesn't mean he is no more a worthy person. He is, and that’s what an effective leader will focus on. A noted leader will always act like a mirror to his team and reflect them their deeds in both right and wrong ways. The leader will always let them know if things go wrong and that too in a specific way, so that the same might not happen again. He will also rebuke his team on their poor performance, but not to the performer – the key to an effective leadership. Reflecting the cause will make things clear with no ill feelings and that’s how a leader should behave in order to maintain the decorum within the team. Not only that, a leader will also act like a mirror to let his team know how much he values each one of them and his assessment is constantly focused on their execution rather than on the individual. Once done, it’s over and over for good.

Now it’s your time to demonstrate to your team and the masses that they can rely on you as an efficient leader. Go out there and prove to yourself that you have it in you to become what people are looking for – effective leadership. You are almost there and all you need is to proceed with the right intention without ever manipulating people in any given task. Have your team know that you are there for them and not for you.

Have a wonderful and a great day ahead! Effective leadership is what people are looking for…….

Thursday 7 August 2014

Are you listening?

From infancy to adulthood you are programmed to keep focused on practicing what your family has been doing or to fetch a job and take root. What you do and how you behave are related to your self-impose occupation security. You frequently come across words that are repeatedly used, but bear no significance like, comfort, impossible, average, entertainment, content and easy going to name some. These are the words used by people who are confounded with their life. They relate their success and achievement with things like, house, car, money, luxury, etc. There is nothing harm in doing that, but the problem is, people belong to mediocrity and with low self-image do that. Thus, this happens to be a mass procedure rather than a classy one. After all, success is not holding out within a comfort zone, nor to associate it with materialistic gain. Success is by far living the life you love to live when left alone. To tell you the truth you don’t belong to mediocrity, instead you are a born legend just waiting to prove to this world about your existence. And in doing that your age, economic status, gender, qualification and where you belong have nothing to do with your success. Just believe in yourself and move ahead in life. Confused? Don’t be.

Just think for a moment, do you desire to achieve things you already possess or are you prepared to conquer more in life. More in life, right? Then, how can you achieve more in life just by being in the place you are in today? To achieve what you desire, you need to get yourself out of mediocrity. And in doing that you will eventually guide yourself to the track through which legends have already walked past. This will be possible if you bring out the hidden maestro and make him practice what he is best at. The maestro who is responsible for making you a legend. Now the question is who is that maestro? He is none but you. Yes, simply endure in front of a mirror and see the maestro yourself.

I always envy people who don’t bring out the best they possess and make a difference for self and to this world. And if you are one of them, then I am sorry to say, ‘I envy you too.’ You are a winner and God has sent you with a mission to accomplish. Don’t quit till you breathe. Only a man without a shadow can make excuses not you. You are too good to sit along the failure bench and cry for luck. After all luck is nothing more than, ‘Labor Under Correct Knowledge.’ Gather knowledge, work hard towards your goal and march in concert to the melody of your victory.

Life is tough that’s a given. Whenever you want to stand up you will be pushed back. You fall, cry, feel the pain, lose your rhythm, land square on your face, stumble and feel like throwing up. But every time that happens, you get back on your feet and move faster than before. And it really doesn't matter how many times you repeatedly need to perform it. Success is defined as getting up one more time than you have been bumped down. Remember, nothing is free and easy. You might fail more than you win but that shouldn’t stop you into doing something you always desired to make out, achieving something you constantly desired to achieve and winning with your head held high. You need to energize your mind and body to overcome all the difficulties, drawbacks and failures that life always puts right in front of you. If you want more than you have now and you perpetually wanted to get better out of life than go out there and get it. The moment you discover the place you wanted to be, you must not stop until you get there. This is the purpose of your existence. This is the reason why God has sent you.

Finally, you want success without any doubt and you will, there is no silver lining about that. So, move faster, dream bigger and live better than you are at present. Everything is within you, just prove it.

Have a wonderful day! Take heed to the tune of your triumph…….

Wednesday 30 July 2014

When the going gets tough

Life will never offer you a smooth ride nor will it ever allow you to slow down, particularly if you are a go getter. That’s life and it always love to throw challenges. It’s not because life envy you, but the fact is, life always wants you to be strong and focused individual. Only those who have either missed their way or don’t possess one are the people who scream for every reason and the rest just say, ‘Thank you’. What you are today and how you are doing will solely depend on how you have treated life the way it should have been.

Though life throws challenges, it takes utmost care not to extend the same amount to each and every person. Well, here you can say life being slight liberal. It presents challenges as per the person’s capability. That’s the reason why you don’t receive the same hardship and obstacles to handle and overcome. The child doesn't experience the same challenges that of a youth and again a youth don’t have the same that of an adult. Who says life is brutal and tough? They are the ones who have omitted their focus and urge in the name of fun and enjoyment.

The question is not what life offers you but how to proceed when you find yourselves in the midst of hardship, challenges and darkness. Different people have different ways of answering that. Here are some of the major steps to learn and master and to say, ‘Here I come to conquer the darkness and emit light to see the beauty of things that are planned for me.’

Meditation is one of the major ways to stay focused. It serves to develop your concentration level and make you fearless. Life always respects those who are fearless and never ever try to interfere with those people. In fact, it will help you to choose a path when you find yourself at a crossroad. Why? Because a fearless person doesn't possess the fear to conquer the unknown, he doesn't bother to conceive of the challenges, if any, that might emerge as he proceed. Thus, meditating at least 5 minutes per day will do the magic. Just do it to believe.

Goal is the most treasured asset of any person living. It’s only the heavenly man who doesn't possess one. Goal gives you a reason to wake up every morning to live life to the fullest. It creates a sense of pride and enthusiasm to move ahead without ever carrying words like, if, else, what, how, doubt, to name some. A person without a goal is like living without a shadow. Possible? Begin today by writing down your goals on a sheet of paper with date of achieving them and then glue it in front of your study table or on your refrigerator door or keep it in your wallet or whatever place you use the most. This will forever remind you of what you expect to accomplish in order to live a life you wanted to live. Get going today to ensure a better tomorrow.

Time and tide wait for none’, I know you know. This is not a feel good quote, but the one you should think deeply to capture its true meaning and follow to see the change it brings along. Time is the most precious gift on earth and it never gives value to a person by his/her richness, qualification and or wealth. If you employ your time in a planned, organized way, then you won’t need to repent ever in life. Life will create your fortune and will make your everyday shinning only if you value and respect your time by making the most out of it. Tough times never last for the toughest. So, organize your time and get prepared for the best life is ready to reward.

Attitude is another point you actually need to focus. It doesn't matter whether you are facing rain or sunshine, but remember both are temporary and both are certain to succeed. That’s the reason why you should forever hold a positive attitude with a smile and not a frown. Keeping the right attitude on the positive track will certainly make your life soothing even when you are practically standing in the midst of a typhoon. Why? Because that’s the period when life will test your ability and will power. The success will endure and the loser will wipe away. To construct the right attitude you need to get associated with people who are achievers with strong willpower, develop the habit of reading positive books, going to seminars and above all maintaining a healthy relationship at home or at the workplace. Attitude never perishes as long as you maintain it.

Life is full of roses and thorns, but it’s up to us to choose one. Our choice will draw our life as well as our destiny. Choose well before it’s too late for you to make the two ends meet. Enjoy life as it comes only then you will be able to live and not spend your life.

Have a great and wonderful day ahead! Life is not easy, but not difficult too…….